A Big Dream to Share With You…

Hi Friend,

I want to share a new dream with you, but before I do, let me set the stage...

Have you ever felt that soul-deep charge that comes from being surrounded by others on the same life mission as you? I'm talking about that next-level energy that hits you when you're in the presence of a room full of kindred spirits.

I experienced that electrifying feeling recently at the Rethink Leadership and Faith Into Fear conferences. As a leader and entrepreneur who does most of my work online, connecting face-to-face with other driven, purpose-filled believers gave me a metaphorical defibrillator shock straight to my core purpose.

With each speaker's talk and hallway conversation, I could feel the passion jolting fresh motivation into my work. There was zero doubt that these were my people - men and women with the same ardent desire to impact the world for Christ.

Being physically present in that environment ignited an energy within me that just can't be replicated online. It was like stepping out of a dimly lit room into the blazing brilliance of the noonday sun, bathing me in revitalizing light and warmth.

And it struck me: Our Christian Authors Network tribe needs to experience that same energizing power that comes from joining forces in person.  

Because let's be honest - trying to market your books and amplify your voice solely through a screen can often feel limiting and frustrating. Having a real-life community supporting you, sharing strategies and inspiring one another, could provide the boost and momentum you need.

While I research and pray about making this in-person dream a reality, I want to ensure our online connection remains strong. More than any content I share, I want you to know there's an actual person behind it - me! I genuinely want to be part of your journey.

So, if we aren't yet connected on social media, let's change that! Find me on Facebook and Instagram . Send me a message and let me know if the idea of a live CAN experience excites you too! 

Transforming lives through our words is a collaborative effort. And nurturing real connections - both online and, hopefully soon, in-person - can elevate our mission to new heights. I can't wait for us to join forces and maximize our impact together.

Dedicated to your success,
