Christian Authors Network News: January 2024

Helping you write, publish, and profit in a way that honors God.

Christian Authors Network News

January 2024 Edition


Welcome to the Christian Authors newsletter! Our goal is to bless you with inspiration, tips, and opportunities for the next steps in your author journey.

Be sure to read all the way to the end so that you can make the most of the resources that were hand-picked to help you reach your goals.

Our January Theme: Seeking God’s Will

This month, as we enter a new year, we will be focusing on the theme of “Seeking God’s Will.” As we embrace the blank slate that is a new year, and we look to new and exciting horizons, goals, and resolutions, we want to challenge and encourage all of you to keep God’s will at the forefront of your minds in all that you do.

Your Challenge: Choose a personal Scripture verse for the 2024 year and write a post on your personal blog about how this verse relates to you pursuing God’s will in the 12 months ahead. We will offer several opportunities this month to share your blog in the comments of our weekly challenge post in our CAN Facebook group.

January Success Guide

Our Key Scripture for this month is from Matthew 6:33:

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

As the new year unfolds and we put our renewed energies, time and, perhaps, even finances into new projects and actions and goals, let us always keep this verse at the forefront of our hearts and our minds. Scripture reminds us that God’s will for us is to first seek Him and to be in right relationship with Him before running to acquire and pursue all else. In seeking His kingdom first, we are ensuring that all the remaining things will be ours as well… in due time, of course!

Through the January Success Guide, we’ll come to understand what it means to seek God’s will and how to go about pursuing God’s perfect will for our lives. In this month’s guide, you’ll find lots of inspirational text and Scripture, a 3-day prayer focus to keep you grounded in His promises, our monthly challenge, and several journaling prompts for further reflection on this theme.

One-Minute Devotional

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

-1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

“‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’”

-Isaiah 55:8-9

Following God’s plan for our lives can sometimes be hard and, at other times, it can be just downright confusing. Because we do not audibly hear from God, it can be difficult to know if we are following His will. And so, we often equate His will for our lives as something mysterious and elusive. But that is simply not true!

God’s will for us and His plan for our lives is not some deep, mysterious code that is only revealed to a select few. While God doesn’t talk to us like you and I speak with one another, He does have ways of letting us know His plan for our lives. He desires for each one of us to live out His planned best for us because He loves us greatly.

The first way is through His word. Psalm 119:105 says that God’s word is “a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Much like a physical lamp illuminates the darkness, God’s word sheds light for us on matters we may not be certain about. When we don’t know what to do, we can go to His word and find the truth, plain and simple.

The second way we understand God’s will for our lives is through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter and our Guide, and John 16:30 says,“The Spirit will guide you into all truth.” As believers, we can be confident that, if we ask, the Spirit within us will provide us with the answers that we need.

And lastly, we know God’s will through prayer. When we pray, we enter into a conversation with our Heavenly Father. Matthew 7:7 says, “Ask and it will be given to you…” It is during this time that we can ask God for wisdom and guidance as we submit our decisions and our desires to God’s authority. Ultimately, prayer gives us clarity and peace.

Sure, we may not always understand His plans or His reasoning, but we can trust Him to know better than us because the Bible tells us that His “ways are higher than ours.” Once we accept that all things—even the bad things in our lives!—can be used for His purpose and glory, then we can rejoice in all circumstances, knowing that God is doing some of His greatest work within us (Romans 8:28). And, when we are willing to trust Him with our lives, we become a part of that greater purpose!

This Month’s Productivity Tip: The 5-Minute Rule for Maximum Productivity in the New Year!

Looking for a surefire way to skyrocket your productivity as you step into the new year?

When faced with a task that feels overwhelming or daunting, commit to working on it for just five minutes. Set a timer, dive in, and give it your focused attention.

Why does this work?

⏰ It conquers procrastination: Starting is often the hardest part, but five minutes is manageable!

🌟 It builds momentum: More often than not, you'll find yourself immersed and motivated to continue.

📈 It fosters consistency: Small, consistent efforts lead to significant progress over time.

Whether it's writing that first page, organizing your workspace, or tackling a project, this rule works wonders! You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish in just five focused minutes.

So, as you stride into the new year, remember: Five minutes can make all the difference. Start small, aim big, and watch your productivity soar! 🚀🕒

Join Us for Monthly Prayer Time!

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:19-20

Join us for our monthly Prayer Time. These are dedicated times to bring our concerns, worries, praise, and celebrations together to the Lord. Join us as we come together and spend time together in the presence of Jesus. We hope to explore together various types of prayer and devotion, such as contemplative prayer, lectio divina, listening prayer, immanuel moments, and more.

The January Prayer Time will be hosted on Facebook Live in the Christian Authors Network Facebook community at 8:30 AM EST on Friday, January 26th. We hope to see you there!

Publishing Secrets: Trust the Process with Anita Morris (Re-Air)

Guest Anita Morris shares about obeying God's prompting and sharing her story — even though she was afraid of what other people would think when they read it. If God has placed the call to write on your life, don't put it off any longer. Let Anita's story inspire you to write and publish that book, and get your message out to others who need to hear it!

In the Publishing Secrets podcast, Coach Tam brings you behind-the-scenes insights and interviews with mission-driven authors and writers who were once paralyzed by fear. Each episode will leave you empowered, equipped, and excited to write, write, write! Before you know it, your book will be published and you’ll be well on your way to launching a career as a motivational speaker, teacher, and coach like you’ve always wanted. Tune in to Publishing Secrets and finally get moving in the direction of your dreams!

Publisher Spotlight: WaterBrook & Multnomah

WaterBrook & Multnomah stand as pillars in the literary world, dedicated to crafting stories that captivate hearts and transform lives. With a passion for publishing impactful Christian books, these imprints steadfastly commit to nurturing faith, hope, and inspiration.

WaterBrook & Multnomah are more than publishing houses; they're beacons of light, sharing stories that stir the soul and ignite the spirit. Their unwavering dedication to faith-based literature empowers readers to explore, grow, and connect on deeper levels.

Discover how you can be a part of this empowerment below! Member Spotlight

Want to be featured here? Sign up for a free profile on, and you could be chosen for the monthly author spotlight!

Helen Cummings-Henry

Affectionately known as “The Transformation Lady,” Helen is a bold and inspiring woman. She came to the U.S. as a young immigrant, feeling unseen and unheard. Once Helen discovered the transforming power of renewing her mind, it freed her from self-limiting beliefs and isolation and allowed her to help other women to do the very same thing!

In 2022, she was recognized by Success Magazine, along with her husband Tarrent-Arthur, as one of the top 125 professionals who are impacting the world. Helen’s mission to guide women across the world remains unchanged following her career in corporate America and her long-time volunteer service as a Disaster Relief & Mental Health Responder. Helen now uses her books, coaching, teaching, speaking, and the global non-profit she co-founded with her husband, Righteous Uplifting Nourishing International (R.U.N), to foster transformation by helping people access the unique gifts inside of them.