Christian Authors Network News: November 2023

Helping you write, publish, and profit in a way that honors God.

Christian Authors Network News

November 2023 Edition


Welcome to the Christian Authors newsletter! Our goal is to bless you with inspiration, tips, and opportunities for the next steps in your author journey.

Be sure to read all the way to the end so that you can make the most of the resources that were hand-picked to help you reach your goals.

Our November Theme: Fruits of the Spirit

This month, our theme is “Fruits of the Spirit.” In Galatians 5:22-23, the Apostle Paul beautifully describes a set of virtues that grow (like fruit) inside of us when we let the Holy Spirit guide our lives and work within us. These fruits not only grow within us but also transform our lives and the relationships around us.

This month, we will explore the nine fruits—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—in these verses and the practical ways that we can cultivate them within ourselves.

Your Challenge: “Choose Your Fruit!” Identify one of the nine fruits in your personal life that is in need of fine-tuning, and then work on it throughout the month. We will provide weekly prompts to help guide you in finding ways to practice producing the identified “fruit” through small but concrete actions.

November Success Guide

Unlike virtues that are cultivated out of our own discipline and self-work, fruits of the Spirit are not ours. They belong to the Spirit and are brought out within us when we allow the Spirit to work within us and manifest Himself in our lives.

Through the November Success Guide, experience what it means to live according to the Spirit and resist the call of the flesh by allowing the Spirit to continue to empower you and produce His fruit in you. In this month’s guide, you’ll find tons of inspirational text, a 3-day prayer focus, our monthly challenge, and several journaling prompts for further reflection on the theme.

One-Minute Devotional

But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. …

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

-Galatians 5:13-18; 19-24

In the beautiful orchard of our lives, God desires to cultivate a garden within us that is adorned with the exquisite fruits of His Spirit. As we look at verses 22-23, we encounter a list of these fruits. These characteristics are not meant to reflect our own accomplishments, but rather the work of the Holy Spirit that is present in our lives once we surrender ourselves over to God and His leadership.

Let’s take a look at each one of these characteristics and what it means to embody each one in our personal lives.

Love: At the root of God’s divine harvest is love—and not just any love but His love—which flows through us and, like a lighthouse, becomes a beacon for others by illuminating the darkness and drawing others into the warmth of His embrace. Love is the seed from which all other fruits germinate. (See 1 Corinthians 13:1-13)

Joy: The fruit of joy is not dependent upon any specific circumstances but, rather, it is a deep, abiding gladness in the Lord in spite of our condition. Joy, unlike happiness, can sustain us through trials, knowing that our God is always faithful and sovereign… and that He is always with us! (See Psalm 16:11; Romans 15:13)

Peace: Amid life's storms—of which there are many!—the fruit of God’s peace becomes a gift which anchors our souls. It's a tranquility that flows from our trust in His plan and purpose even when we don’t know what the outcome may be. (See Romans 15:13; Philippians 4:6-7)

Forbearance: Also known as patience, this fruit is a mark of spiritual maturity. As we abide in the Spirit, we learn to endure with grace and, thus, we begin to extend that same grace to others as God extends it to us. (See Matthew 5:7; Luke 6:37)

Kindness and Goodness: These fruits bloom as we reflect the character of our Heavenly Creator, who is good to us. Acts of kindness and goodness are motivated by God's love and quickly become the evidence of Christ in our lives. (See Ephesians 4:32; 2 Corinthians 6:4-8)

Faithfulness: Just as God is faithful to us, we are called to be faithful stewards of His gifts by reflecting His faithfulness toward others and everywhere we go. (See Proverbs 3:3-4)

Gentleness: In a world often marked by harshness, criticism, and critique, gentleness is a counter-cultural fruit. It mirrors the compassionate heart of Christ as it draws others into the tenderness of His love. (See Philippians 4:5; Titus 3:2)

Self-Control: Empowered by the Spirit, we exercise the fruit of self-control by not giving into our desires and impulses. It is a fruit that grows from a life surrendered to God's transformative work. (See 2 Timothy 1:7; Titus 1:8; 2 Peter 1:5-7)

As we consider these fruits, let us reflect on our own orchards. Are we nurturing the soil of our hearts with prayer, Scripture, and communion with God? Are we yielding to the Holy Spirit's cultivation and allowing these fruits to ripen in our lives? Let our prayer today be one of surrender as we acknowledge God’s goodness in our lives and ask the Holy Spirit to continue His intentional pruning and cultivating within us.

This Month’s Productivity Tip: Setting Realistic Deadlines!

In a world filled with constant demands and ever-changing priorities, this skill can be your guiding light. One of the keys to productivity is setting deadlines that are both challenging and achievable. When you set realistic deadlines, you're more likely to stay motivated, reduce stress, and reach your goals successfully. It's all about finding that sweet spot between pushing yourself and setting yourself up for success.

Join Us for Monthly Prayer Time!

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:19-20

Join us for our monthly Prayer Time. These are dedicated times to bring our concerns, worries, praise, and celebrations together to the Lord. Join us as we come together and spend time together in the presence of Jesus. We hope to explore together various types of prayer and devotion, such as contemplative prayer, lectio divina, listening prayer, immanuel moments, and more.

The November Prayer Time will be hosted on Facebook Live in the Christian Authors Network Facebook community at 8:30 AM EDT on Friday, November 24th. We hope to see you there!

Publishing Secrets: Trust God’s Timing with Zalea Dold (Re-Air)

Guest Zalea Dold shares her story of overcoming obstacles—from language barriers to unexpected delays—and learning to listen for God’s direction to write, edit, and publish her book. If you feel tired of waiting, overwhelmed by everything you don’t know how to do, or called to spread a message that just won’t let you go, you won’t want to miss this episode!

In the Publishing Secrets podcast, Coach Tam brings you behind-the-scenes insights and interviews with mission-driven authors and writers who were once paralyzed by fear. Each episode will leave you empowered, equipped, and excited to write, write, write! Before you know it, your book will be published and you’ll be well on your way to launching a career as a motivational speaker, teacher, and coach like you’ve always wanted. Tune in to Publishing Secrets and finally get moving in the direction of your dreams!

Publisher Spotlight:

Explore for Christian Authors: Founded in 2015 by CEO Chandler Bolt, formerly known as Self-Publishing School, they’ve been a guiding light for authors from 91 countries on their journey to create and publish inspiring Christian books. Whether your goal is to share your faith, become a dedicated Christian author, or use your book as a powerful tool for ministry, their exceptional programs, coaching, and community are there to help you fulfill your mission. Member Spotlight

Want to be featured here? Sign up for a free profile on, and you could be chosen for the monthly author spotlight!

Ashley Yavonne

I educate, motivate, and inspire people to love God, love people, and live life unapologetically.

I am a charismatic and compassionate communicator, licensed mental health clinician, and ministry leader who discovered my passion for helping others after dropping out of college during my sophomore year.

I have studied at Liberty University, Bethel Seminary, and Capital Seminary and Graduate School and hold a Bachelor of Psychology with an emphasis in Christian Counseling and a Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

I find great joy in communicating biblical truth and walking alongside individuals as a mentor, counselor, coach, and confidant at any stage of their life.

I am a woman on a mission to equip, motivate, inspire, and train a generation to live life unapologetically for the glory of God.