Friday Nurturing Content - 01/05/24

Happy Friday, Friend!

And Happy 2024! I pray that the start of your new year has been healthy, productive, and filled with anticipation of what is to come in the next twelve months ahead.

I am excited for the new beginnings that are ahead for YOU in 2024.

I am excited for the work that He has set before you.

For the new ways that God will stretch and grow you.

And, for the places and spaces that He will bring you into.

I recently posted this Scripture over on our CAN Facebook group:

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” -Isaiah 43:19

As we embrace a new month and new year, this verse resonates deeply within me. God doesn’t call us to stay the same, forever rooted in the comfort of who and what we are. NO.

He extends an invitation to us to allow Him to work within us to transform us and do a new thing in and around us! But, only if we allow Him to. If we submit ourselves to His perfect will.

As we announced in our last week’s email, the theme for the month of January is “Seeking God’s Will.” What better way to dive into a fresh month and a brand new year than by laying down your own agenda and goals and entrusting them into the ever-loving hands of our Heavenly Father?!

Throughout December, we learned that God’s promises are a yes and amen and that nothing He says comes back void. So, what do you have to fear, dear friend? Are you willing to let Him do something new in your life this year? Will you embrace change and, with it, the possibility of unexpected blessings in 2024?

You can get started by taking a look at our January Success Guide. While you’re there, I encourage you to spend a moment reflecting on our monthly challenge. This month, we’re asking you to pick a verse for 2024. A verse that speaks to you, much like Isaiah 43:19 did to me.

Once you have your verse selected, the challenge is to write a post on your personal blog about how that verse relates to you pursuing God’s will in this year. After the post is public, share the link in the comments of one of our weekly challenge posts on Facebook!

Happy writing!

Dedicated to your success,
