Friday Nurturing Content - 03/08/24

Happy Friday, Friend!

This month we celebrate what is, arguably, Christianity’s biggest and most important holidays: Resurrection Sunday or Easter.

Now, March 31st is still several weeks away, but it’s never too early to start preparing our hearts, especially since we are dedicating this entire month to our theme of Resurrection & Hope.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” -1 Peter 1:3

The above verse is our Key Scripture for this month and, I don’t know about you, but I'm feeling extra thankful for this incredible hope that we've been given through Jesus' resurrection.

It's like a fresh start; a new beginning; that first breath of spring air.

We get the greatest gift of all simply because of God's amazing love and mercy toward us sinners.

I want you to take a moment right where you are and just think about it.

Jesus didn't just come back to life for Himself. Or to prove to us that He really was the Son of God. His death and resurrection was actually for us!

It was so that we, too, can look forward to our own resurrection one day!

It's like knowing that no matter what happens, there's always something better ahead. And, for us believers, that really is the honest truth! What lies ahead is eternal life with our Creator in a world that knows no sin, no pain, no loss. Now, if that doesn’t put a huge smile on your face…

So, today, I urge you to begin celebrating Easter with a heart full of gratitude and excitement for the incredible hope that you already have in Jesus. It's a reminder that no matter how tough things may seem for you today, there is always hope because of Him. Go ahead and embrace that hope and live each day with the confidence that comes from knowing our future is secure in Christ

How can you express your gratitude for the new life and hope found in Jesus?! Maybe you feel compelled to write down some grateful thoughts in your journal or maybe you want to try your hand at a poem?

Or, you can join us in our monthly challenge, which will give you multiple opportunities throughout the month of March to dive deep into God’s Word and connect with Him in prayer as you thank Him for this wonderful gift He’s given you.

However you choose to express your gratitude, I pray that you find meaning in the act as you reflect on God’s goodness, kindness, mercy, and love.

Dedicated to your success,
