Friday Nurturing Content - 04/12/24

Happy Friday, Friend!

As we welcome this new month and the changing of the seasons that it brings, we dedicate ourselves to yet another theme.

All throughout April, we’re focusing on Creation Stewardship. Together, we admire the new buds, leaves, and blooms of spring that are popping up all over the northern hemisphere. Or, the similar beauty of the ever-changing leaves and the colorful sunset skies that are evident of autumn in the southern hemisphere.

As we look upon the world around us, we bear witness to the incredible, indescribable, and diverse beauty of God’s creation. From the towering mountain ranges to the dense green jungles to thousands of species of creatures that inhabit our earth, every aspect of nature reflects the wisdom and artistry of our Creator!

“O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” -Psalm 104:24

The above Psalm reminds us of the many wonders that God has made and how each one of His works displays His infinite wisdom. From landscapes to living organisms, each aspect of creation has a form and function that was specifically designed by God. As we take in the world around us, we are see that creation reflects its Creator and we are reminded of the boundless creativity of our Heavenly Father.

“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” -Psalm 19:1

Not only do we humans understand the awesome power and majesty of our Creator through creation but creation itself praises Him. Psalm 19:1 emphasizes this very point. God made creation—humanity included—to glorify Him so it's no wonder that even the heavens and skies testify to His greatness. From the rustling wind to the shrill of a songbird, each component and member of creation offers their song of praise to the God of the Universe.

“On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate… All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your saints shall bless you! They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and tell of your power, to make known to the children of man your mighty deeds, and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.” -Psalm 145:5; 10-12

Several years ago, Hillsong UNITED released a beautiful song called

“So Will I” that speaks to who God is as our Creator and Savior. Through poignant lyrics, the song tells a story that stems from creation to salvation of God’s unrelenting and overwhelming love for us. It weaves beautiful visual images of His creation not only worshipping Him but also in bowing to Him in awestruck obedience.

The above passages from Psalm 145 encourage us to actively do the same. Much like creation so readily obeys and praises their Creator, we, too, ought to follow suit. We are to reflect on the glorious splendor of God's majesty and His marvelous works and then we are bless Him and glorify Him so that each and every generation may now of God’s goodness.

Each sunrise, each sunset, and each star in the night sky serves as a testament to His greatness. Through the beauty of His creation, God reveals His character and invites us to draw near to Him in awe and wonder.

Perhaps you caught a glimpse of the solar eclipse this past Monday? If you did, then you were fortunate enough to partake in and marvel at yet another wonder of God’s creation. Let us be mindful, especially this month, to take moments throughout our day to pause and meditate on the beauty of God's handiwork, as we allow it to fill our hearts with gratitude and praise.

Let us pray for eyes to see His glory in the simple wonders of everyday life and for hearts that are open to His presence in every moment. I leave you with this prayer:

Gracious God, thank You for the beauty and wonder of Your creation. Help us to see Your handiwork in the world around us and to marvel at Your wisdom and love. May the beauty of Your creation draw us closer to You, our loving Creator, and may we find joy in praising Your glorious, wonderful name. Amen.”

Dedicated to your success,
