Friday Nurturing Content - 10/13/23

Happy Friday, Friend!

I thought I’d share a devotional with you today from Ephesians 2:4-5 (ESV).

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved.

In these verses, the Apostle Paul paints a vivid picture of our spiritual condition before God's intervention. We were dead in our sins, separated from the life that God intended for us. It is a sobering reality, one we often forget in the busyness of our lives.

But God...

These two words hold immeasurable power.

They signal a divine intervention—a heavenly conjunction—that changes everything. Our hopelessness meets the richness of God's mercy. Our brokenness encounters the greatness of His love!

God doesn’t love us because we were worthy or righteous. His love isn’t contingent upon our goodness. In fact, it was precisely because we were dead in our trespasses that God's love and mercy shines the brightest!

The contrast between our unworthiness and His overwhelming love amplifies the magnitude of His grace.

By grace you have been saved.

This. This, right here, is the heartbeat of the Gospel.

Our salvation is not earned through our efforts or achievements. It is a precious gift of divine, unmerited favor.

God, in His boundless love for you and for me, reached down to us when we couldn't reach up to Him. He made us alive in Christ, breathing life into our spiritually lifeless state.

As we reflect on Ephesians 2:4-5, let us be humbled by the depth of God's mercy and the vastness of His love. Our salvation is not a result of our righteousness but a testament to His grace.

In response to this grace, let gratitude fill our hearts and overflow into our lives. Let’s extend grace today rather than judgment. Let’s show love when others act unlovingly. Let’s never forget the destitute place we have come from.

Reflection Questions: 

1) What are some situations in your life where the intervention of God has been evident?

2) Consider the idea of being "dead in trespasses." In what ways were you spiritually dead before encountering God's grace? How has your life changed since experiencing His grace?

3) In what areas of your life do you find it challenging to fully embrace God's grace? How can you surrender those areas to Him and live more fully in the freedom of His grace?

4) How can you extend the grace and love you've received to others? Are there specific relationships or situations where you can be an example to others of God's grace?

5) Spend some time in prayer, reflecting on today’s Scripture and devotional. Ask God to reveal any areas of your life where you may be relying on your own efforts rather than His grace. Use our October Prayer Calendar for added support and guidance.

Dedicated to your success,

Coach Tam