Friday Nurturing Content - 10/27/23

Happy Friday, Friend!

As we wrap up October and, with it, our theme of New Morning Mercies, I wanted to give us an opportunity to recap and then spend some time in reflection.

For the entirety of this month, we have looked at this key Scripture from Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV):

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Through our October Success Guide, we have learned what it means to have access to God’s grace and how to embrace this undeserved gift each and every day.

“Your hope is not based on how well you are doing, but on what Jesus has done for you.” -New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp

We now have an understanding of how His grace shapes our identity—that we can call ourselves children of God not because of anything we have done or deserved but because of His mercy toward us that has gifted us eternal salvation.

“You can be courageous in admitting your sin precisely because God is richly abundant in his mercy.” -New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp

“If you are God’s child, you are not alone. Glorious grace has connected you to the One whose power and love don’t shift with the times. Grace has connected you and me to the One who is the ultimate dwelling place, the ultimate place to which we can run. This means that I am never left just to my own resources.” -New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp

And, finally, because of our understanding of His grace upon our lives, we are able to extend that same grace to others through our words, our attitudes, and our actions.

“It is and always has been true that no one gives grace better than a person who is deeply persuaded that he needs it himself and that it has been graciously supplied by a God of tender mercy.” -New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp

For your personal reflection, I encourage you to take a look at the following questions and spend some time today journaling your responses to the ones that stand out the most to you:

1) How does acknowledging God's new morning mercies impact your gratitude and awareness throughout the day?

2) How does the assurance of God's new morning mercies influence your relationship with Him?

3) In what ways can you deepen your connection with God by relying on His mercies each day?

4) How does the concept of God's daily renewal of mercy inspire your approach to forgiveness in your relationships with others?

5) In what areas of your life can you extend God's grace and mercy to those around you?

6) How can focusing on God's renewed mercies give you strength and hope during challenging times?

7) Consider areas in your life where you can be an extension of God's mercy to others. How can you embody His grace in your interactions and relationships?

8) In what practical ways can you share the concept of God’s fresh mercies with those around you to encourage them in their faith journey?

I want to leave you with this prayer:

Heavenly Father,

We come before you with a heart full of gratitude for Your boundless love and renewed mercies that greet us each morning. Your faithfulness is our anchor, and Your compassion knows no bounds. As we embark on this new day, grant us the wisdom to recognize and embrace Your mercies afresh. May the assurance of Your love fill us with hope, and may we, in turn, extend that love to others. Strengthen us to face challenges, knowing that Your mercies are our constant companion.

In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Dedicated to your success,

Coach Tam