Friday Nurturing Content - 12/15/23

Happy Friday, Friend!

Last week, we spent some time reflecting on the story of Jesus’ birth and how it was not only the fulfillment of God’s greatest promise to mankind but also His greatest act of faithfulness to humanity.

Today, I want to share the importance of the Christmas story—His story—to the story that you are currently living in the here and now.

I recently came across something written by Canadian author, blogger, and memoirist, Ann Voskamp, that really resonated with me.

And, I hope it speaks to you as well.

She says:

You may not like the Story you’ve been given, but what you always get to do is write more good lines into the story.

You only get one story to live, and you get to write good lines into the story you’ve been given, new pages of hope, new chapters of redemption and courage and love into the story that is today.

There is a story unfolding every day—and it’s not ultimately a story of failure, but a story of faithfulness—a story of God being faithful to us, even when we are faithless, a story of God coming to us and loyally staying with us, a story of grace clearing some unexpected way, and of Hope loaning us courage, and love never abandoning us even for a second.

Now, isn’t that a powerful way to look at your life?!

Your story and the Christmas story—the story of Jesus’ birth—are forever intertwined. Your story—the good, the bad, and even the ugly—along with the story of Jesus’ birth are both stories of His faithfulness!

Without God’s faithful devotion and love toward you, Jesus wouldn’t have ever been born. Because He wouldn’t have been born, He would’ve never died. And, because He never would’ve died, our sins would not be forgiven and we’d be eternally separated from God.

Without Jesus and His story, you would not have your own personal story to share today. And, while your story may not be the one you would’ve chosen for yourself, it’s still a story worth sharing with others.

Sure, it may oftentimes feel unimportant, hopeless, and maybe even meaningless.

But, your story is not a story of failure. Because our God is not a God of failure but a God of promises!

Remember, your story is still being written and each blank page and chapter hold an abundance of God’s promises that are still yet to be revealed.

So, what is your story?

Have you added any good lines to it today?

Did you write about God’s love and grace? What about the hope and courage He has given you? And don’t forget the joy and peace He’s brought!

I encourage you to spend some time in reflection today. Think about your story and how infused it is with God’s goodness, His faithfulness, and His promises.

Meditate on this as you look to the upcoming year ahead and the blank pages that are yet to be written.

Then, go ahead and jot a couple of good lines for today!

Dedicated to your success,

Coach Tam

P.S. If you haven’t yet, make sure you’re following along with our monthly challenge through our provided Journaling Worksheet.