Friday Nurturing Content - 12/29/23

Happy Friday, Friend!

We are in the final days of December and taking one final opportunity to focus on our theme of “God’s Promises.” As we close out 2023, why not take a moment to reflect on God’s faithfulness amidst the hills and valleys of this past year through the following guided questions:

Hills of Triumph: What were the significant achievements or moments of joy that crowned the hilltops of your journey? How did God's faithfulness manifest itself in times of celebration and success?

Valleys of Challenge: Reflect on the challenges and trials you faced in the valleys of this past year. How did God's faithfulness sustain you through moments of difficulty or disappointment? What lessons did you learn in the midst of adversity?

Growth and Transformation: Consider the ways in which both the hills and valleys contributed to your personal and spiritual growth this year. How did God's faithfulness shape your character and deepen your relationship with Him? What lessons will you carry through into 2024?

Gratitude: Take a moment to express your heartfelt gratitude for God's faithfulness throughout the entire journey of this year. What specific instances come to mind where His steadfast love and grace carried you through?

As we embrace the upcoming new year, let us continue to have a renewed sense of hope and expectation in God and His promises to us. And, as we wait on Him to fulfill those promises, let us continue to actively focus on what God has already revealed to us through His Word.

I leave you with this final quote from Rick Warren:

“While you’re waiting on God to fulfill a dream or answer a prayer, He wants you to focus on what He’s told you in his Word.” -Rick Warren

Remember, the Bible is not only full of His promises but can also offer us timeless principles and guidance that can direct our steps and strengthen our faith while we navigate our waiting period.

Dedicated to your success,

Coach Tam

P.S. And, in the spirit of new beginnings, we are excited to announce our theme for the upcoming month: "Seeking God's Will." Take a peek at our January Success Guide and stay tuned for our Challenge announcement within our CAN Facebook group!