Halfway Through 2024: Where Are You with Your Goals?

Dear Faithful Writer,

Can you believe it? We've crossed the halfway mark of 2024! July is here, and it's the perfect time to take a deep breath, step back, and reflect on our journeys so far.

This morning, I was out on my walk with my dog Spencer (who, by the way, thinks he's a professional squirrel chaser), just letting my mind wander as we strolled through the neighborhood. As Spencer was doing his best to investigate every single bush, I found myself thinking about you and our little community of faith-driven authors.

I couldn't help but wonder: How's it really going with your writing? Are you still fired up about your mission to touch hearts and change lives?

Look, I know it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and lose sight of the bigger picture. That's why I make it a point to do these little check-ins with myself regularly. It helps me stay on track and adjust course when needed. (Trust me, I've had my fair share of course corrections!)

I regularly reflect to ensure everything stays on the right path. It allows me to adjust my strategies, realign my focus, and stay motivated. Now, I want to hear from you.

  • How's the writing coming along? Words flowing like a river, or feeling more like a desert?

  • Any exciting wins with your book sales? Or maybe some unexpected hurdles?

  • What's been your "hallelujah moment" of the year so far?

  • Anything keeping you up at night or making you want to pull your hair out?

  • Feel like God's nudging you in a new direction?

Your journey as a Christian author is unique and deeply personal. Sharing your experiences not only helps you reflect but also creates a supportive community where we can all learn and grow together. 

I really do want to hear from you. Your ups, your downs, your in-betweens – they all matter. And who knows? Your story might be exactly what another author in our circle needs to hear right now.

So, hit reply and tell me everything. Whether it's a recent accomplishment that has you beaming with pride or a struggle that's been weighing on your heart, I'm here to listen and help you navigate your path.

Remember, your words have power, your story matters, and I'm in your corner, cheering you on.

Dedicated To Your Success,


P.S. Even if you're feeling stuck or a bit lost, don't hesitate to reach out. Sometimes just getting it all out there can help clear the fog. We're in this together, after all!