ICYMI - February 12, 2024

The Week of February 12, 2024

In Case You Missed It


How to Live a Life That Matters

“Do you know that nothing you do in this life will ever matter, unless it is about loving God and loving the people he has made?”

— Francis Chan

What comes to mind when you picture someone who lives a meaningful, impactful life? Maybe you think about professional accomplishments, volunteer work, a long-lasting ministry, or a written legacy of published works. But—as amazing and impactful as those things can be—the Bible tells us that it’s all meaningless without love. As we explore the love of God this month, remember that love is what gives our earthly accomplishments true value. How can you show the love of God in literally everything you do, personally AND professionally?

P.S.: Don’t forget to participate in the February Love Letter challenge! Write three love letters—one to God, one to someone else, and one to yourself. You don’t have to share the contents of these letters, but we do encourage you to comment on the weekly challenge post in the Facebook group and let us know how writing those letters impacts your understanding of God’s love.

New Publishing Secrets Episode: Stand on Your Faith with Ann Lenaers (Re-Air)

Did you catch last Friday’s episode of Publishing Secrets? Guest Ann Lenaers shared about her journey from temporarily leaving the church to finding her true identity in Christ. In that journey, she discovered a love so powerful she couldn’t stop the words from flowing once they’d started. No matter what may be holding you back from sharing the message God has given you, let Ann’s story inspire you to stand on the foundation of your faith and trust God to lead you in the right direction.

Follow Us on Instagram and Facebook for Marketing Mondays!

Want to learn more about proven marketing tactics for Christian authors? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for Marketing Mondays, where you’ll find weekly tips and insights on effectively marketing your book.

February Prayer Time: 2/23 @ 8:30 AM (EST)

The next Christian Authors Network Prayer Time is happening on Friday, February 23rd! We’ll lift each other up in prayer and worship God together as we prepare for a brand-new month. Join us live or catch the replay after, and let’s pray over our community of Christian authors together! 🙏

Check Out What’s Been Happening

Join our vibrant Facebook community and don't miss out on the incredible journey of faith! Beyond deepening our spiritual understanding, we have signature threads to keep you focused and connected. Participate in Writing Prompts, promote your projects, and pour out your goals and Prayer Requests. Get ready for an engaging and supportive community experience that will uplift and inspire you. Don't wait, come and join us today!