ICYMI - February 5, 2024

The Week of February 5, 2024

In Case You Missed It


Love God, Love Others

“Jesus replied: ‘“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”’”

— Matthew 22:37-39

This month, we are focusing on the topic of love, specifically what it looks like to love God and love others. The Scripture above tells us that we ought to love God with all of our “heart, soul, and mind” and that it is “the greatest commandment” given to us. A very close second is to love our neighbor as ourselves.

To explore this theme, we’ll meditate on the true meaning of the word “love” and how God fulfills the very definition of it through His character. We’ll also spend some time looking at how we can actively and practically love our neighbors so we are reflecting God’s love at all times. Download the February Success Guide below to start studying and sharing God's love! 💕

Your Challenge: As we focus on our theme of loving God and others, spend some time in reflection about what that looks like to you, and then write three love letters—one to God, one to yourself, and one to someone special in your life. 

There is no obligation to share the contents of these letters publicly, but we encourage you to share how the writing experience helps you to better understand or express God’s love. Watch for our weekly challenge posts to join in the discussion!

NEW: Follow Us on Instagram and Facebook for Marketing Mondays!

Each Monday, we’re sharing actionable marketing tips, strategies, and insights to elevate your author journey! 📚✨

Here's what you can expect:

-Proven Tips & Strategies: Dive deep into effective marketing tactics tailored specifically for Christian authors.

-Insider Insights: Gain exclusive access to behind-the-scenes insights and success stories from fellow authors.

But here's the kicker – Marketing Mondays is exclusive to our social media pages! 🌐 That's right, you won't find these valuable resources anywhere else. So make sure you're following us on Facebook and Instagram to join the conversation and unlock a treasure trove of marketing wisdom.

Spread the word, invite your author friends, and get ready to supercharge your marketing game with Marketing Mondays! 💥 See you there!

New Publishing Secrets Episode: Release What’s in Your Hand with Josh Khachadourian (Re-Air)

Did you catch last Friday’s episode of Publishing Secrets? Guest Josh Khachadourian shared about examining our motivations and making Jesus the standard for our lives. Whether you’re interested in learning more about following Jesus’ example for leadership or how to overcome perfectionism and the fear of failure, you won’t want to miss this episode! 

February Prayer Time: 2/23 @ 8:30 AM (EST)

The next Christian Authors Network Prayer Time is happening on Friday, February 23rd! We’ll lift each other up in prayer and worship God together as we prepare for a brand-new month. Join us live or catch the replay after, and let’s pray over our community of Christian authors together! 🙏

Check Out What’s Been Happening

Join our vibrant Facebook community and don't miss out on the incredible journey of faith! Beyond deepening our spiritual understanding, we have signature threads to keep you focused and connected. Participate in Writing Prompts, promote your projects, and pour out your goals and Prayer Requests. Get ready for an engaging and supportive community experience that will uplift and inspire you. Don't wait, come and join us today!