Are You Lacking Consistency, Accountability & Support?

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Hi Friend,

How often do you pray for meaningful relationships that bring you closer to God?

I make this a priority. As a Christian, I'm intentional about cultivating relationships that nurture my faith, push me toward Christ, and inspire me to live out His truth more fully.

Just as Jesus invested deeply in His 12 disciples, surrounding Himself with those yearning for truth, so too must we be intentional about the company we keep. The relationships we foster either propel our spiritual growth or hinder it.

I'm sure you've experienced the blessing of an iron-sharpening-iron friendship before. But if this powerful dynamic is an area lacking in your life currently, I understand. We get pulled in so many directions - careers, families, ministries. Maintaining rich adult friendships requires diligent work - invested effort, thoughtful scheduling, and being proactive about finding "your people."

That's why I'm overjoyed to share an extraordinary opportunity tailored specifically for Christian authors seeking a community centered around your faith and creative calling.

Introducing the CAN Monthly Members Activation Workshop - a unique space to collaborate with like-minded writers, hone your skills through guided writing prompts, and forge bonds centered around your shared faith and passion.

But it gets even better! Each month, one participant will be hand-selected to record a "Motivational Moment" video inspired by that month's writing challenge. This is your chance to:

📚 Introduce yourself and your book

💡 Share an uplifting devotional message (10 minutes or less)

🙏 Offer a prayer, sealing the Word and Truth over our group

Your message will be featured on the Christian Author Network's public page and within our private group, providing powerful exposure and the opportunity to inspire countless others through your words.

Aren't these incredible opportunities for growth, connection, and impact?

Joining is simple—just show up for our next workshop on Tuesday, 06/25/24, at 7pm ET!

Don't let this transformative experience pass you by. Secure your spot today and prepare for your creative calling AND your faith to be elevated to new heights.

Dedicated To Your Success,
