Learn From These 5 Biblical Figures

Hi Faithful Author,

As I head into my next interview for The Beaconship, the podcast where I get the blessing of speaking with some of the world’s greatest Christian leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators, I’ve been reflecting on the wisdom I gain from each of them.

Every conversation is a revelation that allows me to dig deeper into how faith informs our work and our influence. I am truly grateful for this privilege.

But sometimes, I wonder—what if I could sit down and interview the people of the Bible? What questions would I ask them about sharing their message, staying strong in their calling, and making an impact?

Thankfully, we don't have to wonder too much because their stories are right there in Scripture, filled with lessons not just for how to live in His will but even for how we can share our own message with the world.

Let me share with you the 5 Biblical figures who could teach us powerful lessons on reaching others effectively:

1. Moses: The Reluctant Leader Who Became a Bold Messenger

Moses didn’t start out as a confident speaker, but he faithfully delivered God’s message despite his own self-doubt. In the end, he inspired a nation to believe in something greater.

What We Can Learn: Don’t wait until you feel 'ready' to share your message. Start with obedience and faith, even if you're hesitant—God will strengthen you as you go.

2. Paul: The Audience Specialist

Paul had a unique gift for understanding his audience. Whether speaking to Jews, Gentiles, or Roman officials, he knew exactly how to tailor his message without compromising its truth.

What We Can Learn: Know your audience intimately. Speak their language, address their needs, and meet them where they are, while staying true to your core message.

3. Esther: The Courageous Advocate

Esther used her influence strategically and with incredible wisdom. She knew the value of timing, carefully crafting her message at the right moment to protect her people.

What We Can Learn: Timing is crucial. Speak when the time is right, and trust God to to prepare the way for it to be received.

4. John the Baptist: The Bold Voice

John stood out by boldly delivering a message of repentance, calling people to prepare the way for the Lord. His message was simple but powerful, and he wasn’t afraid to stand alone in the wilderness.

What We Can Learn: Sometimes, being bold and clear in your message is what sets you apart. Don’t shy away from speaking truth, even if it means going against the grain.

5. Jesus: The Master Storyteller and Relatable Communicator

Jesus is the ultimate example of how to reach people’s hearts. Through simple, relatable stories, He communicated deep truths in a way that people with different experiences and statuses could understand. His parables weren’t just stories—they were powerful messages that transformed lives.

What We Can Learn: Remember the power of storytelling. The most impactful messages are often wrapped in stories that speak to the heart. Share your personal experiences and faith in a way that touches people where they are.

Each of these figures left an incredible legacy not just because of what they did, but because of how they communicated their message. We can learn from their example as we strive to share the message God has given us.

As we step into our own missions, let’s take these lessons to heart and remember: we have the greatest guidebook for sharing our message right in front of us—the Bible.

Starting this Thursday, I’ll be launching a blog series that dives deeper into these lessons. I’m excited to begin this series and can’t wait to share these insights with you!

Dedicated to your success,  


P.S. There are so many other biblical figures who provide powerful lessons in sharing a message. I’d love to hear your thoughts! Who do you think we can learn from when it comes to sharing our message? Hit reply and let’s talk about it!