Learn from my 'Oops' Moment

Hey Friend,

I'm about to let you in on a little ‘oops’ moment from my past. There was a time when I found myself trapped in what I like to call the "tag sale mentality." You might be wondering, what on earth is the "tag sale mentality"? Well, it's the belief that people should automatically buy your book just because it exists. Imagine setting up a tag sale with only a lonely cardboard sign to point the way. Just one sign! Then, you scratch your head, wondering why you didn't sell much. It's like organizing a garage sale but keeping it a secret.

Now, picture me posting about my book, dropping a link, and eagerly waiting for sales that hardly ever came. Facebook often reminds me of those moments, and while they sting a bit, they serve as a powerful reminder of my journey. It's a journey that I've been on by God's grace, and now I'm on a mission to help others make the same transformative mindset shift.

Far too often, I see authors tossing their book links onto social media and hoping for the best, thinking that's the extent of their marketing efforts. Is that you?

Now, here's where the shift needs to happen. It's not just about shedding the "tag sale mentality"; it's about building a solid author platform.

So, What Exactly Is an Author Platform?

In simple terms, your author platform is your visibility as an author. It's your power to connect with your desired audience. Your author platform encompasses your online presence, your social media following, your email list, your website, speaking engagements, and so much more. Essentially, it's the engine that drives your ability to engage with readers and promote your books effectively.

If you're curious about the strength of your author platform and you want to know whether you have the rock-solid foundation you need for success and boosted sales, head to our Facebook group and check out this post:

In that post, I share what I learned, moving from the tag sale mindset to becoming a servant leader and a marketer who understands the power of a robust author platform.

Building this platform is like constructing a house; it takes time, patience, and a blueprint for success. And, like any craftsman, even today, I continually fine-tune my messaging, always striving to improve.

So, if you're still wrestling with the tag sale approach or are just beginning to break free from it but lack a clear roadmap, it's time to make a change. It's time to establish a platform that resonates with your readers and serves your unique message.

Reply to this email, and let's chat about where you're at right now and how we can assist you in gaining the attention your book or message truly deserves. Your author journey is worth it, and we’re here to help you navigate it successfully!

Dedicated To Your Success,

Coach Tam