Lessons from Dad's Business

Hey there Friend,

Can I share a little secret with you? Stay with me until the end of this email because I've got something amazing to share with you!

Let me start by sharing a personal story...

Growing up, my dad had a passion for entrepreneurship. As a firefighter looking for extra income, he tried various "side hustles," hoping to strike gold. I vividly remember weekends spent at flea markets and fairs, where he sold high-quality, low-priced huarache sandals. But despite the promising products, the sales just didn't come.

You see, my dad believed that the products would sell themselves. He lacked a solid marketing strategy and failed to build rapport with potential customers. As a result, we often found ourselves packing up unsold inventory, feeling defeated.

Reflecting on those experiences, I realized the importance of having a business plan and a strategic approach. That's why, here at Christian Authors Network, we prioritize research and planning before diving into any project.

This brings me to our current series on marketing fundamentals. Last week, we laid the groundwork for success, and now, we're diving into the nitty-gritty: defining your audience.

Understanding your audience is crucial. It allows you to speak their language and tailor your messaging to resonate with them.

So, here's what I want you to do: REPLY to this email with "CREATE MY TARGET AUDIENCE" and I'll personally send you a comprehensive guide to help you define your audience effectively.

But why stop there? I encourage you to read our latest blog post where we delve deeper into the art of audience definition and equip you with the information you need to succeed.

So, as we dive into this journey together, remember that success isn't just about having a great product — it's about knowing the right strategy and approach to reach your audience effectively. Just like my dad, you have something valuable to offer the world. Let's work together to ensure that your message not only reaches its intended audience but resonates deeply with them.

Dedicated to Your Success,
