Are you missing half your calling as a Christian author?

Dear Friend,

What if I told you that you're only fulfilling half of your calling as a Christian author?

I can almost hear you asking, "How can that be? I pour my heart and soul into every word I write!"

And you're right. Your books are powerful tools for spreading God's message. But here's the truth that many authors overlook:

Your ministry extends beyond the pages of your books.

Let me explain.

As someone whose mission is to help Christian authors amplify their God-given message, I've had countless conversations about marketing struggles. Yet, time and time again, once we've worked together, authors experience a connection with their audience like never before. They hear how their books have encouraged someone through difficult times or how readers relate to certain characters.

This revelation is what I want to share with you today: effective marketing for Christian authors isn't about pushy sales tactics. It's about extending your ministry, reaching more souls, and deepening connections with your readers.

It's about being as intentional with your emails, social media posts, and author events as you are with the chapters in your books.

Marketing can take many forms - ads, social media posts, blog articles - but I've found that the most effective approach is often the most personal. Email marketing, for instance, gives you a chance to be truly creative. It's an opportunity to share personal stories, reveal the motivation behind your characters, or offer glimpses into your writing process.

This is your chance to connect with your readers on a deeper level, to let them know about life updates, and to share your thoughts in a more intimate setting. In essence, it's an extension of your writing, just with a different purpose.

If you're interested in learning how to make marketing feel more like an extension of your writing ministry, check out my blog here:

Remember, every word we write - whether in a book or a marketing email - has the potential to touch lives and spread God's love. Let's embrace all forms of communication to fulfill our calling!

Dedicated To Your Success,


P.S. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Do you see marketing differently now? Feel free to reply and let me know!