No More Excuses: Get Your Book Noticed

"I just don't have the time."

Let me guess - that's what you want to say when asked why you don't have an author platform online, right?

Don't beat yourself up. I've helped countless Christian authors facing the same struggle. Between work, writing, revisions, family responsibilities, church commitments, and more, your days are already overflowing.

But here's the truth: You need to make time to save time. 

Make time to invest in yourself as an author. 

I had to learn this the hard way, going out there with my half-baked digital marketing, relying on my friends and family to buy my book. 

Great, now I’ve sold a few books.

...but I knew my book deserved to reach thousands, even hundreds of thousands, across the globe.

Is that what you're looking for, too? Because that's exactly what happened when I made the time to invest in myself as an author.

Deep down, my friend, you know your book was made for more than selling a few copies to friends and family. You wrote it to influence lives, to help others, and to share an important message. 

We know that all things work together for good, so through that difficult season, I gained a deeper understanding of what it truly takes for an author to stand out and be heard above the noise.

Now, I'm determined to help Christian authors like you bypass those same hardships.  That's why I make the time to host this 90-minute live workshop - to help other Christian writers like you share your messages far and wide. This isn't just another recorded webinar. I dedicate my time and energy, for free, to ensure you discover:

📘 How to create high-value content that resonates with readers and builds authentic relationships

📗 Real-life examples of successful social media strategies from influential Christian authors and leaders  

✍️ Interactive exercises to identify your unique voice, audience, and key content themes

🤖 How to leverage AI tools like ChatGPT to generate engaging social media post ideas quickly and efficiently

One recent attendee raved, "After this workshop, I created 30 days’ worth of content!"

Just think how much time that could free up for your writing and ministry!

You know your book deserves a bigger reach, so let's make it happen together! Click the link to save your spot. I limit participants to ensure personal attention. Will I see you there?

Don't let time constraints be the obstacle stopping you from reaching the audiences you want with your books. I'll show you how to make social media work for you, not against you.

Dedicated to your success,
