Overcoming Self-Doubt: Lessons from the 'Wrong' Side of the Road

Hi Friend,

Have you ever found yourself completely out of your element, overwhelmed by unfamiliar surroundings that shattered your assumptions about how things should be? 

That's precisely the disorienting experience that awaited me in St. Croix as I celebrated my birthday...

I stepped off the plane in St. Croix, the warm Caribbean air embracing me. Excitement bubbled up as I celebrated this milestone 50th birthday adventure. But at the rental car checkout, my enthusiasm wavered. Vehicles whizzed by on the opposite side of the road - a jarring contrast to driving norms back home.

My heart raced as I gripped the steering wheel. Navigating these unfamiliar roads loomed as an unexpected challenge for the entire trip. Doubts crept in, whispering that perhaps I'd bitten off more than I could chew. This celebratory getaway now felt laced with trepidation.

Yet, as I inched the car toward the flow of opposite-lane traffic, I couldn't help but utter a prayer for guidance and protection. With each passing day, the once-daunting task gradually became more comfortable. My eyes adjusted to the flow, reflexes aligning with new patterns.

I marveled at the breathtaking vistas this unconventional perspective revealed - brilliant blue waters caressing pristine beaches and lush mountainsides cradling vibrant flora. What once sparked anxiety now unveiled unimagined beauty.

On the final day, I navigated the serpentine roads with a melancholic appreciation. This journey had been a crucible, forging resilience by pushing me into the unfamiliar. And just like that, my St. Croix experience uncovered powerful parallels to the authorpreneur's path.

Just as driving on the "wrong" side initially twisted my perceptions, my writing journey likely sparked trepidation and self-doubt. Could I craft a compelling narrative? Would anyone read my words? Yet those who persevere discover unprecedented vistas - the ability to transport readers into unimagined realms.

Marketing our books demands an equally adventurous mindset. Strategies that once felt unnatural may unveil unprecedented opportunities when embraced wholeheartedly. This is the path we'll explore in our upcoming series - building on our foundations to equip you with the resilience and open-mindedness to thrive in your marketing adventures.

For those willing to brave the unfamiliar truly flourish. On your next journey, I invite you to embrace the detours, adapt to new cadences, and discover the spellbinding landscapes that await around the bend. After all, the most rewarding experiences often lie just beyond the edge of your comfort zone.

Dedicated to your success,


P.S. You can prepare for our new series by going through our previous blog series, “Unlocking the Power of Your Message: Foundational Principles of Effective Marketing for Christian Authors” here.