Are people watching you? (It's time they should be!)

Dear Friend,

What are you watching these days?

I'll admit, I've been known to fall into YouTube rabbit holes listening to Pastor Steve Furtick and T.D. Jakes. Their powerful messages never fail to uplift my spirit and challenge my thinking. 

But here's the thing - while I was busy consuming all this content, a thought struck me: shouldn't we, as bearers of God's message, be creating content too?

Now, I know what you might be thinking. "Me? On camera? No way!" Trust me, I get it. As an introvert, the idea of putting myself out there used to make me break out in a cold sweat. But then I realized something powerful: our comfort zones and God's calling don't always align.

Plus, I’ve actually found a surprising amount of comfort and joy in interviewing guests on my podcast, "The Beacon Show" (curious? Check it out here ). It's been an incredible journey of growth, connection, and yes, stepping out in faith. I'd love to hear what you think about it if you give it a listen! 😉

But here's the real question I want to ask you today: Are people watching you? Are they listening to your message?

If not, it's time they started. Because your voice, your story, your insights - they matter. They could be the very thing someone needs to hear today.

I know it can feel daunting to get started. That's why I've put together a blog post this week all about how Christian authors can use video marketing to amplify their message. From simple strategies you can start today to more advanced techniques, it's packed with practical tips to help you shine your light even brighter.

If you're ready to step out and let your voice be heard,

Remember, every platform, every video, every post is an opportunity to glorify God and lead others to Him. Your books, your message - they're not just for you. They're for a world that needs to hear about His love.

So, what do you say? Ready to press record?

Dedicated To Your Success,


P.S. If this email sparked something in you, I'd love to hear about it. Hit reply and let me know your thoughts!