The Secret to Marketing No One Tells Writers

Dear Friend,

We've all been there - staring at the Amazon book listing or social media post, trying to craft the perfect words to make our book go viral and fly off the virtual shelves. We think if we just create the right sales pitch or promotional hook, our audience will flock to buy.

But have I gotten it backwards? Is the true way to market our creative work not through gimmicks or high-pressure tactics, but by cultivating something deeper?

Over the years of working with and mentoring Christian authors, I realized conventional "book marketing" advice isn't working for most writers. As someone who built solid relationships and then sold more than enough books to build my gym business (a story for another time, I promise!), I encountered an unexpected mindset shift that changed everything:

Marketing is ultimately about building relationships. We have to attract interest and get readers to a place where they're willing to consider us. We have to build an emotional connection because, in the absence of like, know, and trust, the sale cannot occur.

Sometimes, we sabotage ourselves by chasing book sales at the expense of genuinely caring for people. We must stop seeing readers as cash cows to be exploited and instead see them as humans with needs, pains, and stories, just like us.

Only when we take the time to foster authentic connection by adding value, listening, and practicing empathy do we earn the right for them to know, like, and trust us enough to make a purchase.

So learn that marketing is about building relationships, and think about it the same way you do every other relationship that works...those relationships work because you demonstrate - not just talk about - that you care about the other person.

If you're tired of chasing hollow book marketing tactics that never move the needle, it's time to radically shift your approach. In my latest blog post, I unpack a comprehensive framework for cultivating an engaged audience through consistent, captivating content that nurtures genuine relationships.

You'll learn the key elements of compelling social media posts, the diverse types of content worth publishing, and the mindsets & habits needed for sustainable audience-building.

As writers, our words hold immense power to impact lives. But it all starts by putting people over products and relationships over revenue. Click the link to dive in and unlock the potential of your God-given message and influence.

Has traditional book marketing advice left you feeling frustrated or disillusioned? Share your story and thoughts with me by replying to this email. Let's forge a new path forward together.

Dedicated to your success,
