Why Staying True to Your Message Matters

Dear Faithful Author,

I've told this story before, but in case you haven't heard it, let me share a pivotal moment in my journey.

When I wrote my first book, 265 Point, which chronicles my physical and spiritual transformation starting at 265 lbs, I was on fire for God. That book was the foundation for everything I’ve done since—owning a brick-and-mortar gym, becoming known as Coach Tam, and eventually building this ministry that helps authors like you expand their influence.

At one point, I met with a PR executive—someone connected with major media outlets—who told me something I’ll never forget. He said that my book would do much better if I focused on the physical transformation and maybe touched on the emotional and mental aspects. But the catch? He suggested removing the attributes to God. 

He might as well have said, "If you remove God from your book, you'll be more successful."

It was a crossroads moment—a choice between compromise and conviction.

I chose conviction. I chose to stay true to my message and honor God with every word I penned. And you know what? It wasn’t the easy path, but it was the right one. That decision taught me something crucial: success isn’t just about numbers—it’s about integrity, impact, and staying true to who you are and who God has called you to be.

As difficult as that decision was, I look back now and see how God was preparing me, just like He prepared John the Baptist, who boldly proclaimed truth without compromise. His journey is the focus of this week's blog, and I think you’ll find his example incredibly relevant to your own calling and mission.

So why should you take a few minutes to read about John?

Because John the Baptist wasn’t concerned with popularity or approval—he was committed to delivering the truth. He spoke boldly, not worrying about whether his message would be accepted by the masses. His mission was clear, his faith unwavering, and his courage unshakable.

Last week, we explored Queen Esther and her remarkable faith and strategy. (If you missed it, just hit reply, and I’ll send you the link!) In this week’s blog, I shared crucial lessons from John’s life.

John’s story challenges us to stop worrying about fitting in and to focus on staying true to our God-given purpose. In a world where it's tempting to soften or adjust our message for more “success,” John shows us what real success looks like—impacting people with the truth, regardless of how it's received.

So, if you’ve ever wondered how to stand firm in your message, or if you’ve been tempted to downplay your faith to fit in or achieve more, this blog is for you. I can’t wait for you to read it. 

Afterward, hit reply and let me know which of John’s traits resonate with you most—I’d love to hear what you’re working on right now.

Next week, we’ll wrap up this series with the final and most important figure of all—Jesus Christ. Stay tuned for that!

In His Service,  
